Thursday, January 3, 2013

String Cheese Sandwich

Price: around $10
Quality: 5/5
Calories: 365 using the ingredients that I used.
Overall: Great, simple, easy to make sandwich.

Ingredients: String Cheese
Two Bread slices

The Ingredients that I prefer:
HEB orange string cheese (any brand, or string cheese will do)
Mt. Olive's pickles (any brand will do)
Sun Beam; white bread (you can use any type of bread, but I think white bread is the best)
Mayonnaise (all mayonnaise tastes pretty much the same)
Dijon Mustard

I found out about this sandwich when I was trying to find something to bring something to eat at the animal shelter that I volunteer at. I was still into eating meat then, but I couldn't find any meat in the fridge, so I got some string cheese, mustard, pickles, and mayonnaise and made a sandwich out of them. Introducing the string cheese sand which, or as I like to call it. It is a very meat less good sandwich.

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